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Thank you for your donation for action on climate change.

Around the world women are on the frontline of the climate crisis. Thanks to you, they’ll be better prepared when the next disaster strikes.

Women will lead the disaster response effort

Your donation will help train and prepare more women when the next disaster strikes. Women are the first to respond when there’s a disaster in their community yet often go unrecognised. Your support enables women in crisis affected areas to lead the response and:

  • Coordinate early warning and evacuation operations
  • Distribute emergency supplies
  • Establish safe spaces to prevent violence
  • Stop the outbreak of disease.
Women for climate action

Your support isn’t just for when disasters strike; you’re also backing women leaders. Women in climate affected areas are funded to:

  • Learn and implement new farming techniques to adapt to climate change
  • Challenge corporations undermining the environment and women’s rights
  • Mobilise to ensure women benefit from climate change policies and resourcing

When our power is combined, women are unstoppable.

Thank you for your decision to support women on the frontlines of climate change.