
Following the devastating impacts of Tropical Cyclone Harold, ActionAid worked with the ActionAid Vanuatu team to mobilise local women’s networks to respond to the crisis. As the most disaster-prone nation, investing in local women to lead crisis response is vital.

The WITTT network consisting of 4,000 women leaders undertook community and rapid needs assessments. This work was undertaken with support from ActionAid Vanuatu and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

This localised approach to humanitarian response offers local women the rare opportunity to step up into leadership roles which can transform women’s status in society long after disaster recovery is achieved


The locally-led response has seen over 167 women consulted on their needs in the aftermath of the cyclone. The ActionAid Vanuatu team has since distributed 1,000 dignity kits containing essential items to women on cyclone affected islands. They have also undertaken community consolations in women-friendly spaces set up on East and West Malo.



Our Partners:

ActionAid Vanuatu


April 2020 - October 2020

This project is supported by The Australian Government and the Austrian Embassy in Canberra

Supported by the Australian Government and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs, this project is responding to Tropical Cyclone Harold.

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