Apart from working with some pretty incredible people, the additional benefits of working with ActionAid Australia include:
ActionAid Australia is committed to protecting the rights of children and ensuring a child-safe environment. All staff are required to undergo background checks. ActionAid is an equal opportunities employer, and is always actively looking for applicants from a diverse range of genders, cultures, language groups, abilities, and experiences to apply.
“When I wake up in the morning, my first thought is how can I work with women to fight the patriarchy today? ActionAid’s work on women’s rights is at the forefront of this movement and I am passionate about supporting local women’s solutions for change. I wouldn’t want to work anywhere else.I am comfortable to work in a place that I can practice feminism to change our world today”
We are always looking for passionate people to volunteer with us and/or become one of our legendary Community Organisers. Find out more and get in touch today!
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