Women worldwide have the right to access decent work and control over productive resources.

Whilst also having their enormous contributions to unpaid work valued and recognised. Too often this is not the case – largely because of unjust taxation systems that benefit corporations and the economic elite, leaving governments in low-income countries unable to fund vital public services for women.  

The time for a feminist revolution of the global economy is now.

That’s why we’re working in solidarity with women living in poverty and exclusion for more just economic policies, a more equitable redistribution of resources and for corporations to pay their fair share of tax in low-income countries.

Why economic justice?

Women make up 70% of those living in poverty. Women are denied access to and control over vital public resources, like land and income, which strips them of their human rights, dignity and agency

What is ActionAid doing about it?

We are working in solidarity with women around the world to access markets and demand decent work and labour rights. We want to see women’s unpaid work recognised, revalued and redistributed.

Together we've supported women to achieve positive change. Watch this video to find out what that means for economic justice!


What we're doing to achieve economic justice for women

Read about our programs and latest campaigns.