Around the world, women living on the frontlines of conflict and disaster face a triple burden:

To survive, care for their families and communities, and avoid increased risk of violence. Despite being the most impacted, women are rarely given the opportunity to lead in humanitarian response. This means that women’s needs during an emergency are too often overlooked, jeopardising their rights and security and further adding to their burden of care work in crisis.

It also means the whole of a disaster-affected community is denied the best possible humanitarian response.

When women are supported to lead disaster response, they are not only effective and galvanising leaders, ensuring everyone in their community is protected, they also create new spaces for women to lead, taking important steps towards gender equality and social justice. In this way, emergencies can become catalytic moments for change.

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Launched by ActionAid Australia, ARISE is the first global fund that is directly supporting women-led emergency preparedness and response – with a long-term, transformative agenda. Its aim is to empower 1 million women in 5 years with the resources and networks they need to lead their communities in times of crisis. 

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What women's rights in emergencies?

During emergencies, women face a greater struggle for survival, do the bulk of caring work and face increased risk of violence. Yet, they rarely have opportunities to lead humanitarian responses, leaving their voices ignored and needs overlooked. When women lead emergency response, emergencies can be catalysts for positive social change.

What is ActionAid doing about it?

We’re supporting women on the frontlines of conflict and disaster from the Horn of Africa to Bangladesh to take the lead in humanitarian response. We’re training women to be decision makers at all levels of humanitarian action and we’re supporting women-led humanitarian innovation and protection efforts.

How can you help?

Donate to on women in emergencies fund - Arise, the first global fund directly supporting women-led emergency preparedness and response with a long term, transformative agenda. Our aim is to support one million women, across 15 countries in the next five years.

Together we've supported women in countries to achieve positive change. Watch this video to find out what that means for women in emergencies!


What we're doing to achieve rights for women in emergencies

Read about our programs and latest campaigns.
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Launched by ActionAid Australia, Arise is the first global fund directly supporting women-led emergency preparedness and response with a long term, transformative agenda.