Why is ActionAid working on the issue of global garment workers’ rights?  

ActionAid’s She Wears The Cost Campaign demands that big fashion brands stop making huge profits at the expense of women garment workers in Bangladesh and Cambodia.  

The global fashion industry is one of the largest employers of women workers, who make up 80% of garment workers across the globe. Many of the clothes sold in Australian stores are made by women in countries like China, Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia. 

Exploitation, poverty wages and poor working conditions are entrenched across the industry. This means women garment workers are left wearing the cost of poor working conditions while Australian and International fashion brands continue to cash in huge profits.  

We are working in solidarity with women garment workers in Bangladesh and Cambodia to demand fashion brands uphold the rights of the women who make their clothes.  

Learn more about the She Wears the Cost Campaign

Nike: #PayYourWokers

Women garment workers who made Nike products at the Violet Apparel Factory in Cambodia are demanding to be paid US$1.4 million in owed wages and termination pay after the factory suddenly closed. Nike must pay its workers.

Casualties of Fashion

Groundbreaking research from ActionAid shows the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on garment workers in Bangladesh and Cambodia.

The International Accord

Everyone has the right to be safe at work, but Best&Less is putting workers’ safety at risk in Bangladesh by refusing to sign the International Accord.

Take action

Here's how you can take action for women garment workers today

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