
ActionAid Palestine (APP) has been closely monitoring rights violations in targeted communities and has continuously planned strategies to respond to these violations. Aa feminist organization, AAP believes that one of the best ways to address rights’ violations is to empower women to achieve positive changes in their lives which will in turn impact on their families, households and communities. 

This project targets women in the H21 area, including Hebron Old City in Hebron Governorate, south West Bank Area in the Palestinian Occupied TerritoryWomen in Hebron Old City face discriminatory social norms, laws, policies and practices that prevent them from achieving their full potential  and their rights.


The project has three objectives:  to enhance women’s voices and status in households and communities, to effectively address key concerns of women through women-led advocacy actions and to increase women’s income and decision-making power over thatIn order to achieve these objectives AAI Human Rights’ Based Approach (HRBA) will be followed and applied through Reflection Action cycles: empowerment, solidarity and campaigning. 


West Bank, Occupied Palestinian Territories

Our Partners:

ActionAid Palestine


July 2018 – June 2021

This project was supported by the Australian Government and ActionAid Australia

With funding from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), ActionAid Australia worked in partnership with ActionAid Palestine, with Palestinian women to improve women’s status in three vulnerable communities in the Hebron Governorate.


Australian Aid Logo


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ActionAid Australia has a focus on economic and climate justice, and women's rights in emergencies. To find out more about why we focus on these particular issues, and our Human Rights Based Approach, browse through the below options.

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