INTERVIEW AVAILABILITY: ActionAid spokespeople available on the ground
Following news of the massive earthquake that has devastated Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu, ActionAid Nepal’s Country Director...
ReadFollowing news of the massive earthquake that has devastated Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu, ActionAid Nepal’s Country Director...
ReadActionAid has joined with other leading humanitarian agencies calling for urgent humanitarian assistance and protection of women’s rights...
ReadWomen’s rights groups welcomed Julie Bishop’s visit to Vanuatu as part of the response to Cyclone Pam currently underway in the...
ReadOn March 8 in Chile, which is International Women’s Day, Australia and 10 other countries will sign a revised version of th...
ReadAn ActionAid spokesperson said: “Across the 45 countries ActionAid operates in globally, in the last five years there have been 20...
Read2017 saw unprecedented crises around the globe. These included one of the worst famines in Africa’s history, the mass exodus of the...
Read7/12/2017: Tax data released by the ATO today reveals that 36% of large firms in Australia paid no tax in 2015-16. ActionAid Australia has...