
ActionAid Kenya, a long-term partner of ActionAid, has supported diverse projects since 2011, focusing on protection and livelihoods. Climate change poses a significant threat to development, reversing gains globally, with its impacts particularly evident in Kenya’s Makueni and Baringo counties, where this project is being implemented. The project aims to empower women by strengthening women’s collectives to access, control, and make informed decisions regarding climate adaptation. This will be achieved through the establishment of food forests, the promotion of conservation, diversification of income sources through agroecological enterprises, and participation in climate change advocacy forums. Funded across three phases from 2017 to 2025, the project strives for inclusive and sustainable development by empowering women in climate adaptation and decision-making.


By 2022, the project had empowered over 2,800 women in Makueni and Baringo through climate change planning committees. Around 1,200 women were engaged with the Baringo government on climate finance accountability, while an additional 1,200 received climate finance training. In conflict-affected areas, 1,600 women were involved in devising peace strategies. Furthermore, a borehole rehabilitation in Tangulbei provided access to clean water for 900+ women. Additionally, 300 women diversified their livelihoods, and 60 women with disabilities participated in climate dialogues.




Kenya Country Research Report

Gender Responsive Alternative for Climate Change Framework


Makueni and Baringo Counties in Kenya

Our Partners:

Chukas SHG, Lopoin Women Group – Tangulbei, NCIC, Akina Mama Wa Afrika, Baringo CSN, NDMA, National Climate Change Secretariat, Baringo County Govt. Depts., Makueni County Govt., National Agri. & Rural Inclusive Project, Kathonzweni Women Movement, Baringo Smallholder Farmers (BAWOSFARM), Kakika Joint Farmers Co-op Ltd., Kathonzweni Citizen Development.


Phase 1 July 2017 to June 2020 (funded by Gender Action Platform DFAT) Phase 2 July 2020 to June 2022 (funded by ANCP and the Capricorn Foundation) Phase 3 July 2023 to June 2025 (funded ANCP and ARISE)

Gender Responsive Alternatives for Climate Change

is supported by the Australian Government under the ANCP Gender Action Platform, and ActionAid Australia’s ARISE Fund.


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