Step up to end violence against women


137 women are killed by their partner or a family member every day. If you’re tired of statistics like this, then ActionAid’s Strong Women Challenge (SWC) is for you.

Since the start of the pandemic, violence against women has dramatically spiked right around the world. COVID-19 lockdowns have closed protection services and trapped women at home with their abusers. 

Now in its fourth year, the 2020 Strong Women Challenge is raising money for crisis centres where women escaping violence can access legal advice, counselling and vocational training to find safety and rebuild their lives. 

When you sign up for the challenge, you’re committing to 137 step ups every day for 7 days for women around the world facing gender-based violence. The SWC will run from the 19th-25th of November. 

Get your girls (and guys) together to take the challenge on as a team to motivate each other to raise money and awareness for an important social issue.  

Show the world you’re willing to step up to end gender-based violence!  

What is the Strong Women Challenge? 

You can take part as an individual or part of a team all while stepping up for women’s rights and the 137 women around the world who are killed every day by a partner or family member. Each day you will do 137 step ups to represent the 137 women that are killed every day by gender-based violence.  

By taking part in the Strong Women Challenge you’ll get fit and raise vital funds for women escaping violence. At the same time, you will raise awareness with friends and family to create a better world for women. 

Meet Millicent – a survivor of gender-based violence

headshot of acid attack survivor millicent

“When you are an individual, it is very hard to pursue these cases in courts of law. But when organisations like ActionAid come up, and stand with us, who can’t stand on our own, in most cases, we get our cases resolved and win like how I won this case.” 

After surviving an acid attack that left her blind in one eye, Millicent sought justice at an ActionAid protection centre She was given temporary accommodation, emotional support and legal aid to ensure her violent husband was put in prison. 

One in four countries around the world have no laws that protect women from domestic violence. That means that women like Millicent often have nowhere to turn and no way to escape their abuser. 

By fundraising for SWC you are supporting ActionAid to provide services and create safe spaces where women can access legal advice, counselling and vocational training to become financially independent. This provides women with the vital resources they need to leave their abusers and live a life free from violence.   

How to get involved?

  1. STEP UP – Step up for women’s rights and commit to doing 137 step-up every single day for one week as an individual or part of a team.
  2. RAISE FUNDS – Raise funds to provide emergency safe spaces where women escaping violence can get legal advice, heal from trauma and learn new skills to earn a living.  
  3. END VIOLENCE – Support ActionAid to advocate to end violence against women, by raising awareness and acting. 

Sign up now for the Strong Women Challenge!