Info Session (Part 1/2) - Intro into Decent Work and Aid Advocacy
Passionate about gender equality and economic justice? Would you like to engage with your MP to discuss the urgent matter of increasing Australia’s foreign aid budget? Then look no further!
We’re hosting the first part of this info/training series on campaigning for decent work and aid (delving into the second phase of the #EndCOVIDForAll Campaign). With the Federal Budget discussion just around the corner, it is crucial that we push for an additional increase to Australia’s aid budget.
We will be introducing the scoping for our proposed campaign which will focus on decent work. We want to hear your voice in shaping this campaign and work together to create impact!
This session will also recap the aid campaign we worked on last year. Some of you may remember you met with your federal MPs late last year, pushing for an increase in Australia’s foreign aid. We will continue to build on this work as health and economic impacts are worsening in many countries, with poverty and hunger on the rise and gender equality deteriorating – it is crucial that the Australian government continues to step up its support to low-income countries in this year’s Federal Budget.
In this session we will cover:
- The decent work campaign scoping and consultation on the strategy
- Overview of the decent work campaign launch and timeline
- Provide foundational knowledge on how Australia’s political system works
- Go through the context of last year’s #EndCOVIDForAll campaign and this year’s strategy
Be sure to register for the second part of the training on Sunday 14th March here.
If you are interested in meeting with your MP or Senator, please email Shayma El-ardenli at [email protected] by no later than 15th February 2021.