ActionAid Statement Supporting School Strike for Climate

Dear Students and the Climate Strike organising committee, 


We are pleased to join you in encouraging the Government to recognise the climate emergency and to take urgent action to protect people and our planet. We offer our support and value your leadership in  the #BuildABetterFuture interactive livestream on 15 May 2020. 

ActionAid Australia is a global women’s rights organisation that forms part of a global federation working to achieve social justice, gender equality, and poverty eradication in more than 45 countries. One of our priorities is advancing climate justice by supporting women most affected to build resilience and adapt to climate change, while campaigning for policies that mitigate and reduce its impact.  

Women, particularly in low-income countries, are uniquely affected by the climate crisis. They are shut out of decision making and access to resources, yet climate change is impacting their livelihoods, increasing their unpaid work and driving food insecurity. Fossil fuel extraction in communities also comes with an increased threat of violence and harassment to women and girls.  

ActionAid Australia works with women overseas to adapt and respond to the climate crisis in countries like Vanuatu, Kenya, Cambodia, Palestine, and Afghanistan. We support women’s leadership and resource their efforts to drive just and sustainable alternatives. We work with affected communities to expose and campaign against the harmful impacts of Australian fossil fuel companies in low-income countries. Our research shows that the operational projects of these companies have the potential to cause five times Australia’s annual greenhouse gas emissions.  

Extreme climate-related disasters are becoming more frequent and destructive in all parts of the world, with devastating impacts for people living in poverty. ActionAid believes that Australia must act as a leader and play its part in tackling to the climate crisis so everyone, no matter where they live, has a safe and bright future.  

See you on the livestream! 

ActionAid Australia 

Learn more about the virtual climate strike on Friday 15 May.