Gender Responsive Alternatives to Climate Change Research Brief


Global evidence suggests that climate change is changing weather systems and driving unprecedented humanitarian disasters, presenting increasing challenges for women living in poverty and exclusion.


With limited access to decision-making, women are often invisible in policy-making. Without adequate representation of women in these discussions, the default approach is techno-centric and ignores the realities of climate change and disasters for women, which include the changing burden of unpaid work, increased prevalence of gender- based violence and food insecurity, and institutionalised marginalisation of women’s voices and leadership.

This research, undertaken by Monash University’s Gender, Peace and Security Centre in partnership with ActionAid, addresses these challenges through an integrated, gender responsive framework for climate change and related crises that will transform current approaches to these issues.


Read the Research Brief:

GRACC Research Brief


Find out more about the Gender Responsive Alternatives to Climate Change Program.