Ni-Vanuatu women breaking new ground

Thanks to your generosity the women of ‘Women I Tok Tok Tugeta (WITTT) Network in Vanuatu have established the first new Economic Hub in East Efate. ‘Mama’s Poultry Farm’ launched in August; owned and run by local women, the new Economic Hub will become the cornerstone of women’s economic livelihoods in East Efate.

The whole community, Chief and local government officials gathered to celebrate the achievements of the ‘Women I Tok Tok Tugeta’ network, and within minutes of opening the first batch of eggs was sold out!

“It takes a whole village to believe in us as women so that we can bring this vision to life. We dreamt it and envisioned it, but you all made it happen” said Flora Vano, Country Manager of ActionAid Vanuatu.

Housing 514 chickens, the project will support women’s economic empowerment in communities across Efate province. Thanks to your support, the Hub will provide women with stability by providing access to sufficient food and an income for their families.

“It is amazing to see the fruition of ActionAid’s work in Vanuatu and how much it has grown over these last few years, particularly the new element of supporting women’s economic empowerment” said Executive Director of ActionAid Australia, Michelle Higelin.