Tell the Australian Government: climate action now!

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The bushfire emergency has brought home the reality of the climate crisis to us all. But Australia isn’t alone.

As bushfires raged across the country, New Year’s Eve also brought the worst floods in more than a decade to Indonesia as heavy rains caused landslides killing close to 70 people and displacing tens of thousands. And over Christmas, Southern Africa was pushed to the brink of famine with extreme temperatures and millions of people facing starvation due to poor rains and failed harvests.

And women are bearing the brunt of it.

When there’s no food or clean water, when disaster strikes, or when a family member gets sick from the impacts of fossil fuel mining in their community, women are forced to bear the burden. 

The continued burning of more coal, oil and gas will expose hundreds of millions of people to even more climate disasters and deepen poverty.

There’s never been a more important time to ramp up our collective efforts to fight for immediate climate action from the Australian Government.

Will you stand with women and communities on the frontline of the climate crisis by adding your voice to the call?