We're working in 18 countries with 13 programs to create meaningful change for women.

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We’re supporting women to farm using sustainable, climate-resilient methods, and come together in collectives to access their rights, and empower themselves and each other.


ActionAid Australia has one active project and three completed projects in Bangladesh.


We’re working to end workplace violence, ensure respect for labour rights and integrate women workers into governmental social protection systems.

The Philippines

We’re supporting women to build the resilience of their communities to climate change and increasing emergencies, and to mobilise around protection of women’s rights.


We supported the ongoing local and women-led recovery from Cyclone Winston, and through the Shifting the Power Coalition are supporting women from across the Pacific to engage with local, regional, national and international humanitarian actors to promote women’s leadership.


We’re supporting forums for women and girls to advocate for their rights, as well as provide leadership in emergencies and preparing for disasters.


We’re building a movement of Australians who campaign, organise, and fundraise in solidarity with women around the world fighting for their rights in the face of poverty and injustice.


We’re working to protect the rights of women mine workers, and are supporting women farmers to campaign for their rights and access protection centres.


In Indonesia, we are working alongside YAPPIKA-ActionAid to strengthen the resilience of disaster-affected communities through women’s leadership in sustainable disaster recovery programs.


We’re supporting women to campaign for their economic rights and opportunities, ensuring they have access to sustainable livelihoods.


ActionAid Kenya, a long-term partner of ActionAid, has supported diverse projects since 2011, focusing on protection and livelihoods.


We’re supporting women to lead the response and recovery efforts following Hurricane Mathew.


We’re supporting women to lead the response and recovery efforts following Hurricane Mathew.


ActionAid’s women-led humanitarian response to Hurricane Matthew supported women and the most vulnerable members of Grand Anse to secure their safety and train in women’s rights and protection.

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About our Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA)


How we implement this approach in our programs

From women's rights training to increasing women's resilience, protection and psychosocial training during an emergency response. Read more here...
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Our Impact

500,000 women

Together we have supported over 500,000 women around the world to make meaningful change and access their human rights.

70 countries

ActionAid globally works in more than 70 countries. ActionAid Australia works with women living in poverty and exclusion in 18 countries running women's rights training and programs on building resilience.

Our Completed Programs

Explore our recently completed country programs to find out how we’ve supported women’s leadership around the world!