
For all of ActionAid’s policies, financials and annual reports.

ActionAid Australia's Annual Reports

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What's in our 2014 Annual Report?

In this Report, we spoke about the power of women farmers, women's leadership in emergencies, and strengthening women's resilience in Afghanistan.

ActionAid Australia's Policies

Check out our Programs

At ActionAid Australia, we put women living in poverty and exclusion at the front and centre of everything we do, respecting both their leadership and local expertise. We focus on economic and climate justice, and women's rights in emergencies.
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Makueni and Baringo Counties in Kenya

Our Partners:

Chukas SHG, Lopoin Women Group – Tangulbei, NCIC, Akina Mama Wa Afrika, Baringo CSN, NDMA, National Climate Change Secretariat, Baringo County Govt. Depts., Makueni County Govt., National Agri. & Rural Inclusive Project, Kathonzweni Women Movement, Baringo Smallholder Farmers (BAWOSFARM), Kakika Joint Farmers Co-op Ltd., Kathonzweni Citizen Development.


Phase 1 July 2017 to June 2020 (funded by Gender Action Platform DFAT) Phase 2 July 2020 to June 2022 (funded by ANCP and the Capricorn Foundation) Phase 3 July 2023 to June 2025 (funded ANCP and ARISE)

Gender Responsive Alternatives for Climate Change

is supported by the Australian Government under the ANCP Gender Action Platform, and ActionAid Australia’s ARISE Fund.


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